Nissan Winter Maintenance

Getting Your Nissan Into the Best Shape it Can Be for Winter in Montclair, CA

When winter rears its head, it’s best that you pay attention, because winter means that all sorts of changes are going to happen. Because many of these changes are weather-related, there’s something you need to do to get ready for the Winter: service your car. Cars drive out in the weather more often than not, and they need to be ready for the cold and everything that comes with it. That’s why we offer winter services at our service center at Metro Nissan of Montclair.


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Our Top Ten Winter Services for Your Nissan


  1. Battery Testing: When we test your battery, we can let you know if you’ll need a new one any time soon.
  2. Battery Inspection: By inspecting batteries, we can determine if anything is interfering with your battery’s ability to function.
  3. Tire Inspection: We’ll take a look at your treads, and we can also provide snow tires upon request.
  4. Check Wiper Blades: Windshield wiper blades are the main way that you maintain visibility in your car, so they should be in proper working order.
  5. Brake Inspection: Brakes are vital in the icy weather, so we check every part and make sure yours are ready.
  6. Windshield Crack and Chip Inspection: Cracks and chips can cause all sorts of problems, so it’s best to take care of them before the cold sets in.
  7. HVAC Inspection: The HVAC systems will keep you warm, which is why we want to check your heater, defrost, steering wheel and seat warmers, and other parts of the HVAC system.
  8. Check/Replace Engine Coolant/Antifreeze: Coolant, which also functions as antifreeze, needs to be replaced regularly, so we’ll check and see if that’s necessary.
  9. Change Washer Fluid to Winter Blend: Washer fluid can freeze in the cold temperatures, so a winter blend is necessary.
  10. Prepare a Roadside Safety Kit: Safety is vital in the cold, and a kit can help you if you get stranded.
Winter Maintenance

Come to Metro Nissan of Montclair for Your Winter Services

Our service center is the primary provider of Nissan services for Montclair, Ontario, Upland, Claremont, Pomona, and the surrounding communities. We make sure we’re always “Doing it Right” for our customers, as we’ve been serving this community for over 50 years. Go ahead and set up your appointment with our online service scheduler today!


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